Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Wrapup

Let's get to it! Look you guys, twice in one week!


First, some nice, light summer reading! "The Wisdom of Psychopaths"is a book my dad and I talked about last week and it actually sounds pretty interesting....even though CB was like "I guess you come by this hold darkness thing naturally..." after overhearing the conversation. Whatever, psychopaths are fun to talk about!

But check out my dad's review by clicking here and browse around for other summer reading inspiration (and even some that don't include psychopaths!).  Enjoy!


Um, if my daughter has ANY of my genes, when I play Beyonce, it will soothe her soul like it does mine. However, Biggie wouldn't be a bad second place option.


And speaking of Beyonce, I've started going to the gym around 6am every day while my daughter sleeps in with her dad (we use the term "sleep in" loosely these days...). And this song is THE ONE that gets me moving when my body aches from having carried a human inside of me for the last near-year and all I want to do is nap on the floor. Bey's got me.

Happy Friday, see you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday lady! I love that Beyonce song too :) "upgrade" keeps me going on my long runs, she is just pure magic! We need posts with baby pics. Well, if that's the sort of thing you want to do! Sometimes moms don't want to, so I respect that. Anyway, have a great weekend! ---Amanda
